Friday, October 1, 2010

My Sources told me

Just because I can't resist the temptation to say exactly what I think, here goes. Tonight's events have had me chuckling uncontrollably all night. So this is just a quick report.

Pierre McGuire

Everyone knows him, everyone dislikes him, except for some Habs fans who call in to the Team 990 wishing he was the Habs GM because he is the best. The best at what I ask? The best at going for job interviews and never getting the gig? The best at talking to players and claiming they open up to him and that he knows a lot? Well, let me tell you, he's not.Here's why.
Earlier today on the Team 990 in Montreal, Charles Olivier Roussel (who's that you say? what? Yeah, my thoughts exactly)came on and said how Sergei Kostitsyn doesn't appear to be playing hard,in Nashville and that he is "soft". This coming from a 19 year old "pro" who got sent back down to the minors in Nashville.*chuckle*
McGuire was informed of this during his daily call at 5:25pm and he laughed. He was shocked, surprised and loved the fact that a kid would say that. Well...let's get to the TSN broadcast of the Barfallo Sabres vs The Habs tonight....
"word out of Nashville is that Sergei Kostitsyn is playing soft" quotes Pierre McGuire,in his "I know everything" voice. People, I fell off my couch laughing. I couldn't believe he said that. THOSE are his sources? Disgruntled kids not making the pros? And you want HIM to be our GM??


The Antichambre Dudes:

THIS is classic.We all know the Power Play isn't working. No Marky,half a professional roster. 3 top six forwards playing each game, you know, it's the pre-season. Bergy's "manchette" tonight was "where's MAB?" They went on to talk about his one timer. They talked about how good his shot is and that he should be on the team. Half hour later, they're still talking about MAB's shot etc etc etc. They brought out a white board, did some drawings about positions and how MAB's shot would help the Habs.

Well this next part, had me tearing from laughter.

Gaston (whatever his last name is, I kinda tune out) brought up Yannick Weber. "C'est quoi la role de Weber sur le Canadiens?"  And they all answer "Sa lancer". *rolls eyes* You see where I'm going with this? I couldn't stop laughing at their stupidity. From what I understand, we already have a MAB in our organization, who is better at being a defenceman, BUT, they want the Habs to pay money for him anyways. LOL!
My thoughts?  Forget it, I won't go to politics again. Did it once, never again.

Tell me your thoughts.